Monday, August 13, 2012

Let's Talk Books

When I was young, my safety-conscious, popcorn-loving father had a rule: One at a time. To minimize the risk of choking, we were not permitted to grab fluffy white handfuls and shove them into our mouths. Instead, we ate one kernel at a time. It made snacking on popcorn into a laborious task; still, we persisted. Popcorn is worth it.

And while I learned to limit myself to dainty portions where popcorn was concerned, I have never been one who could follow the "one at a time" rule when it comes to books. At any given moment, I am in the process of reading three four five different books. I rarely reach the end of one tasteful tome before I happen upon another nummy novel, and I begin to indulge like one who can't be bothered to finish dinner before starting dessert. That uneaten dinner becomes luscious leftovers for lunch the next day.

Oh, I do eat leftovers--that is to say, I finish every book I begin, though some are fully devoured in hours while others are savored over weeks and months. I am a literature gourmet!

This is a place where I will write about the books that I read. I will share my opinions and invite you to share yours! I plan to review at least one book a week, starting this Friday.

Let the feast begin!


  1. Hooray! Can't wait to read more! :-)

  2. I'm so excited about this! Can't wait to see some of your reviews!

  3. Nice alliterations! Looking forward to your reviews.
