I have been avoiding this question. The reason being? I find most Christian fiction to be disappointing. And when I admit to my sisters in Christ that I am not a fan of Francine Rivers, they often grab my hand and offer to pray for me, as if I am in need of spiritual healing.
Anyways, I decided it was time to come clean, but so as NOT to cause a riot among my believing girlfriends, I have chosen a book that was not written by Francine Rivers. It is, however, a Christian novel.

Once, while perusing the Jane Austen selection of the Spokane Library, I came across a book by Lynn N. Austin called A Woman's Place. It turned out to be a great story about a group of unlikely friends who meet while working in a factory during World War I. It was such a wonderful story that the next time I was at the library I chose another book by the same author.
Unfortunately, the next book that I chose was called God's and Kings, and it was so boring I almost didn't finish it--which is unheard of for me! The book was Austin's attempt to put the story of Hezekiah into novel form. It did not work. I really hate it when authors try to elaborate on Bible stories. It just doesn't work for me. They impose motives, personalities, and situations onto the truth of scripture and it feels way too contrived. I can't like it.
Sadly, I have not tried another of Lynn Austin's books. I got scared away by God's and Kings. But given how much I enjoyed A Woman's Place, I really ought to give her another shot!
Anyways, I decided it was time to come clean, but so as NOT to cause a riot among my believing girlfriends, I have chosen a book that was not written by Francine Rivers. It is, however, a Christian novel.

Once, while perusing the Jane Austen selection of the Spokane Library, I came across a book by Lynn N. Austin called A Woman's Place. It turned out to be a great story about a group of unlikely friends who meet while working in a factory during World War I. It was such a wonderful story that the next time I was at the library I chose another book by the same author.

Sadly, I have not tried another of Lynn Austin's books. I got scared away by God's and Kings. But given how much I enjoyed A Woman's Place, I really ought to give her another shot!
ReplyDeleteThe early Christians believed the apostles' teaching. (Acts 2:42 They were continually devoting themselves to the apostles' teaching....)
What was not the apostles' teaching? What was the apostles' teaching, what was their source?
The apostles' teaching did not originate from the Pharisees creed books. They did not teach from the Sadducees statement of faith. The apostles did not use the catechisms of the Judaizers as the final authority or as a substitute for the Scriptures.
The Scriptures were the source of the apostles' teaching and the words and writings of the apostles were also the Scriptures.
Acts 17:2 And according to Paul's customs, he went to them, and for three Sabbaths reasoned with them from the Scriptures......
Paul taught from the Scriptures, not from man-made creed books and catechisms.
2 Peter 2:15-16 just as also our beloved brother Paul, according the the wisdom given him , wrote to you, 16 as also in all his letters, speaking in them of theses things, in which are some things hard to understand, which the untaught and unstable distort, as they do also the rest of the Scriptures.
Peter included the apostles Paul's writing as being Scriptures.
The apostles' teaching was from the Old Testament Scriptures and from their own words and letters which were in fact the New Testament Scriptures.
The apostles did not teach from the creed books of the Pharisees. The did not use the catechisms of the Judaizers to instruct their brethren in faith and practice. They did not consult the Sadducees statement of faith, in order to teach others.
The apostle John wrote the last Scripture in A.D. 95, it was the Revelation of Jesus Christ.
A.D. 95 was the last recorded teaching by an apostle.
If the contemporary creed books, catechisms, statements of faith, Bible commentaries, so-called new revelation of modern-day apostles, and other extra-Biblical sources are not the exact same teachings of the apostles of the Bible, then, THEY ARE IN FACT, WRITTEN WORDS OF FALSE DOCTRINE.
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